A chart that could save your child’s life, look at it closely & do something!
Following is a chart that appeared in Mike Dunham’s recent Medium.com article( https://medium.com/s/story/everything-ive-learned-about-gun-control-aka-holy-shit-stop-trying-to-ban-assault-weapons-27131ca4f0 ) “ Everything I’ve Learned About Gun Control”.
All Americans should pay close attention to it because it says if your child lives in a state where guns are more available he or she is more likely to die from gun violence. Why would any parent want to allow that??
For anybody scared-off by charts like this it’s meaning is simple. That straight line rising from left to right simply means, the higher the percentage of households with guns, the higher the number of gun deaths. That’s not a mathematical mystery! The risk to your children of dying from gun violence is greater if you live in a state where gun ownership is greater.
Simply put, by comparing your state to New Jersey, where gun ownership and gun deaths are very low, you get a good idea of the increased risk to your children. For Example, in Georgia, where I live, 45% of households own guns compared to NJ, where only 10% of households own guns. As a consequence, my grandchildren in Georgia are 2.6 times more likely to die of gun violence than children in NJ. Other comparisons include:
- Wyoming 70% households own guns, likelihood of children dying from guns 4 times greater than NJ.
- Virginia 40% households own guns, likelihood of children dying from guns 2.2 times greater than NJ.
- Alabama 60% households own guns, likelihood of children dying from guns 3.4 times greater than NJ.
- West Virginia 58% households own guns, likelihood of children dying from guns 2.6 times greater than NJ.
- Minnesota 45% households own guns, likelihood of children dying from guns 1.2 times greater than NJ.
Why should this be? Why should children in some States in the “UNITED States of America face greater risks of dying of gun violence than the children of other states? Are they all not entitled to the same 5th Amendment “right to life” as all American citizens?
And, for anybody that tries to say, “that’s not what the chart says”, your are simply WRONG! That little straight line going from lower left to upper right means there’s a direct correlation between the availability of guns and gun deaths. More guns mean more gun deaths!
Gun deaths have little to do with mental illness or age or any other NRA FUD. They have everything to do with the simple availability of guns. If we don’t limit the availability of guns in the United States we are sentencing our children to death by a gun!
If you care for your children, do something!