Journalists tell stories! All stories need five elements; characters, setting, conflict, plot and theme. The idea that journalists “report” unbiased facts is simply poppycock. The stories journalists tell are “designed” to resonate with an audience who find the stories attractive, meaning they return to hear more stories like the ones particular journalists tell. The only thing modern technology has done is allow journalists to annotate their stories in ways that make them more attractive to the audience for which they were originally designed. A story that is unattractive to an audience is unlikely to become attractive with the application of technology unless the technology can be used to make one or more of the story’s elements more attractive than it would be without the technology. Just the right amount of inflection in Walter Cronkite’s voice did more to turn raw facts about a battle in Vietnam into an attractive story than all of George Lucas’ technology might have. “Reporters”, like computers, record facts. Journalists never let facts get in the way of a good story!