New Federal Gun law
I live in Georgia where 45% of households own guns, compared to NJ, where only 10% of households own guns. My grandchildren in Georgia are 2.6 times more likely to die from gun violence than children in NJ. They are .6 times more likely to die from gun violence than other children across the U.S.
Why should Georgia’s children be at greater risk of dying from gun violence than other U.S. children???? Let’s make it equally likely that all U.S. kids die from gun violence!
New Federal law to “normalize gun deaths across the U.S.” — No more than 42 % of households may be allowed to own guns. This will bring down gun deaths to just 2 times that of N.J. That way Georgia kids will have equal chance of avoiding death by gun as other kids throughout U.S.
After all “kids are our future”, right???. Let’s double their chances for better future! Reduce % of households owning guns and help more kids get to future!
Other than this guy who dosen’t care about kids living?