This piece, “What survives Death?” is a bit different because it seems to be focused on Hindu concepts and, to the best of my knowledge, Hinduism avoids the entire concept of death with it’s teachings on Reincarnation, when the soul returns to the physical realm in a new body. If, however, the “soul” is nothing more than what we call “consciousness” then it may be nothing more than a regulatory mechanism for our physical body. We need to be conscious of our environment, even while asleep, to regulate the bodily functions that enable “life”. So once life goes so does consciousness and so does the soul. Where they go, other than “out of existence”, is unknown to me but, I remember reading “When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It’s only painful & difficult for the living”, I guess because when you are dead you are no longer conscious and therefore no longer have a soul, which seems to sum it all up. Wouldn’t get too hung-up on all of this until we have some empirical data which death alwys seems to mess-up.